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07 August, 2008

.exe files for different tools in the .NET SDK

Visual Studio and the .NET SDK include a number of tools to help in writing programs and
migrating existing code to the .NET environment. Among them are the following tools:

DbgCLR.exe The Microsoft CLR Debugger, a Visual Studio–like debugger with a GUI.

Cordbg.exe A command-line based runtime debugger that uses the CLR debugging
application programming interface (API).

Ilasm.exe The Microsoft Intermediate Language Assembler, which generates files in
the Portable Executable format from an intermediate language file. You can run the code
generated by this utility to test whether the intermediate code performs as expected.

Ildasm.exe A disassembler that converts a Portable Executable format file into a text file
that can be used by Ilasm.exe.

Aximp.exe An ActiveX control importing tool. This program converts the type definitions in
a COM type library for an ActiveX control into a Windows Forms control. This tool is handy for
converting existing components to the .NET Framework.

Sn.exe, Al.exe, and GacUtil.exe These three programs provide utilities to create a security
key, add the key to an assembly, and then add the assembly to the assembly cache.

caspol.exe = Code Access Security Policy Tool

permview.exe = Permissions View Tool while working with CAS


    //This function will iterate through all validators present in Page object
    //and will find it out where there is error and will set focust to its corresponding input control

    private void ValidateAndSetFocus()
    System.Web.UI.IValidator IValidator;
    int i = 0;
    foreach (IValidator iv in Page.Validators)
    if (!iv.IsValid)
    if (i == 0)
    i = i + 1;

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 15, 2008 2:15 PM  

  • Hi all,

    I am working for a software integrator company. My projects includes working on Java and Ruby on Rails and Ajax. I think Web Services is really cool. We also recently have to now work on REST and they are talking about mashups and Struts. Can anyone tell me if there are some good training or conferences so that me and my team members can get to speed with these technologies. Learning from books is not my cup of tea, even not when I was doing engineering ;)

    All the help that group members can provide in this regard is much appreciated.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 27, 2009 9:53 PM  

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